Scholarship A Player

For $30/month- You provide a player with a uniform, cover their player fees, tournament fees and and help provide food for team gatherings.

But when you sponsor a player it pays for so much more than soccer!!!

Our teams are practicing, then having a meal with the players and their families and ending the night with a devotional.  This is huge since over ninety percent of our families do not claim to be Christians.

When you donate, in addition to knowing you are making a life changing difference in the life of a child right here in our community, you will receive:

1. A thank you letter from their sponsored player upon sponsorship.

2. Two free tickets to the October 28th benefit dinner for KCK United.

3. An end of season letter from the child (near Christmas) letter letting them know how the season went and anything big that has happened for them.

Please consider sponsoring one of these amazing players!

For More information email:


Saidi plays for our 2nd grade PSG team.  Every week Saidi and his teammates practice and then they have a meal and Bible study together.  Besides soccer, Saidi also likes to play basketball.  When he grows up he wants to own a dirt bike.  Your donation allows Saidi the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community.


Ulises plays for our 2nd grade PSG team.  Ulises and his teammates practice every week and then they have a meal and Bible study together.  Besides soccer, Ulises also likes to ride bikes, read chapter books and go to amusement parks.  When he grows up he wants to be a police officer or firefighter.  Your donation allows Ulises the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community.   


Robin plays for our 4th grade Portugal team.  Every week Robin and his teammates practice and then do a Bible study together.  Robin’s grandfather is the pastor of the Congolese Church in Kansas City, KS.  Robin likes to play Roblox. He likes sleeping in the car when it is raining.  Robin likes his mom’s cooking and his dad’s African break and chicken drumsticks.  When he grows up he wants to be a soccer player.  Your donation allows Robin the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community.


Eriya plays for our 4th grade Portugal team.  Every week Eriya and his teammates practice and then do a Bible study together.  Eriya likes to play football and play with his friends. When he grows up he wants to be a soccer player.  Your donation allows Eriya the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community.  


Jislain plays for our 5th grade Kings team.  Every week Jislain and his teammates practice and then do a Bible study together.  Jislain likes to play basketball and play with his friends. When he grows up he wants to be a soccer player.  Your donation allows Jislain the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community.  



Uziel plays for our U14 Arsenal team.  Every week Uziel and his teammates practice every week and then they have a Bible study together. Uziel enjoys playing video games. When Uziel graduates from high school he wants to play professional soccer.  Your donation allows Uziell the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community.  


Phoebe plays for our 2nd grade girls Cheetah team.  Every week Phoebe and her teammates practice  and then they have a meal and Bible study together.  Phoebe’s grandfather is the pastor of the Congolese church in Kansas City, KS.  Phoebe like to play with siblings, go outside and play, and eat pizza.  When she grows up she wants to to have kids, be a doctor and be a teacher.  Your donation allows Phoebe the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community.


Anayeli plays for our 2008 girls team.  Every week Anayeli and her teammates practice and then have Bible study together.  Besides soccer Anayeli enjoys playing the trumpet and the ukulee.  After high school Anayeli wants to go to college to become a nurse, because she likes helping people.  Your donation allows Anayeli the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community.


Adriana plays for our 2008 girls team.  Every week Adriana and her teammates practice and then have Bible study together.  Besides soccer Adriana enjoys crafting and playing the violin.  Someday Adriana would like to be a nurse.  Your donation allows Adriana the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community.


Angel plays for our U14 Arsenal team.  Every week Angel and his teammates practice every week and then they have a Bible study together. Angel enjoys fishing, hanging out with his siblings and playing video games. When Angel graduates from high school he wants to go to KCKCC and become a welder.  Your donation allows Daniel the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community.   


Sadiki plays for our 2nd grade PSG team.  Every week Sakiki and his teammates practice and then they have a meal and Bible study together.  Besides soccer, Sadiki likes to ride bikes and play basketball.  When he grows up he wants to be a biker – someone who does tricks on bicycles.  Your donation allows Sadiki the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community.     


Daniel plays for our 1st grade Crusaders team.  Every week Daniel and his teammates practice and then do a Bible study together. Daniel likes to play baseball, ride his bike fast and play the drums.  When he grows up he wants to be a police officer. Your donation allows Daniel the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community.  


David plays for our 5th grade Kings team.  Every week David and his teammates practice and then do a Bible Study together.  David likes football and playing with friends.  When he graduates from high school he wants to play soccer.  Your donation allows David the opportunity to be a part of a soccer and faith community. 


Equip Teams By Donating Today

Make a $ Donation

Your financial contributions directly impact the number of students and communities we can serve. Every dollar makes a difference. Your financial contributions are 100% tax deductable.

Donate Your Time

Nothing impacts the life of a child and teen like the support, mentorship, and encouragment of a trusted adult who truly believes in that child’s potential and purpose. Change lives today by serving.

I Would Love To Help Coach!

If you can commit to two practices a week, at least one game a week, free to do community service with team at least one day a month and have a heart for the lives of children and communities, Please fill the form below! We would love to meet you!

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Equip Teams By Donating Today!